Sunday, November 23, 2008
Burgoo - Good Maine Food?
While searching for the pie recipe, I came across the following recipe for burgoo, which makes me vomit slightly. I apparently missed it in my page-ripping tirade. My disgust is so great that I am sharing it with all of you. Should you decide to give this one a whirl, I'd love to hear your candid review. Mind you, this recipe is copied word for word from my cookbook. No creative license on my part. I particularly love the precise measurement of the "handful" of flour, and the use of the word "carcasses" - not something overly delightful to find in a gourmet dinner recipe. Hmmm... maybe I'll make some burgoo for Thanksgiving instead. A word of caution: Vegetarians, finicky eaters, and men who cry easily should not read any further. Bon Appetit!
6 gray squirrels
1 chicken
4 quarts water
1 slice salt pork
1 sliced onion
1 can tomatoes
1 can cream-style corn
1 can cooked yellow-eye beans
1 tablespoon salt
1 quart whole milk
1 handful flour
Skin gray squirrels and from hindquarters remove small sack which has a bitter taste. Boil squirrels and chicken in water 1 hour and remove all bones. Add pork, onion, tomatoes, corn, beans and seasoning and boil another hour. Just before serving, add flour dissolved in milk.
This is an old hunter's dish, and is as variable as the winds. Maine hunters use rabbit, porcupine, muskrat, woodchuck, big snapping turtles, venison, & bear meat as a base for burgoo. Some guides use skunk meat, which is said by those who have eaten it to be tender and delicious. In the spring, guides who have meat but no chicken for a burgoo will drift away from camp and later return with the carcasses of birds that look suspiciously like robins, blackbirds, yellowhammers, thrush or spruce partridges.
If this recipe freaks you out, just imagine what I actually tore out of this book...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Avoiding the deadly curse: Too much stuff
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The surf was already kicking up, and the tide was in so it was higher than usual. The boats down in the cove are all moored together, and fisherman up and down the coast are headed for safe harbor. It was foggy at the beach - but beautiful. There are days down there where you can really just smell the ocean and the salty coastal air. Today is one of them. I expect the storm surge will have surfers in the water this afternoon.
The drive back from the beach was just as beautiful - one of my favorite spots to be this time of year is on the road from the beach driving inland, through the marshy tidal areas. The marsh is full because the tide is high, and is teeming with birds - egrets, geese, great blue herons. It's actually part of the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge - and you'll occasionally see deer grazing off in the distance.
But just on the other side of the marsh is a solid line of northern hardwoods - maples and oaks, mostly - and right now the colors are starting to blaze. I love to drive this road on a crisp, clear fall day when the colors are jewel-like and just explode in contrast with the green marsh grasses and sandy dunes. Today the fog nearly blocked the color - but not completely. The colors were dulled a little, but were peeking through the fog here and there. It was beautiful in it's own rite. I hope the winds stay offshore so the leaves stay intact through the peak of foliage season.
I stopped at the local farm store on the way home - one owned by the same people I spent my college summers working for out here. It's a different store in a different location, but the feel is the same. I love that I can go in there and say, "Rick, I need a dozen eggs" and he'll say, "McCormick's down in the coop right now" and he'll call McCormick and in 10 minutes I'll have a dozen eggs fresh from the coop. I picked up a bag of apples (I just love local apples here) and some cider. Driving down our road on the way home I had to stop and wait for a flock of turkeys to clear out of the road - they seem to be everywhere right now. Not a particularly bright bird, but they are so cool-looking - almost prehistoric.
So now I'm ready to settle in for the day. Hopefully I catch some NFL before the lights go out.
Stream of Consciousness
I Do Love You
"I do love you"
you wrote.
And I wanted to believe you.
"I do love you,"
you wrote,
you loved the
tall, bony girl
with the shiny face
and frizzy hair
The ugly girl
with the toxic smile,
empty gaze and cool clothes,
the one who ate sushi
and stole your heart.
"I do love you…"
you wrote.
But you lied.
Tonight I wish for sleep to come
quickly, long and quiet this stretch of night,
devoid of wild imaginings that
dream themselves into being -
For my bones are tired, and my eyes heavy
with the weight of another day,
weary and restless in the fading light
of a silver moon.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
America - Pay Attention!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dogtown - The Michael Vick Dogs
Saturday, August 23, 2008
i am i - and this is why
Planetary Positions at Birth
Sun: 02º 02' in Cancer
Moon: 00º 06' in Aries
Mercury: 27º 08' in Cancer
Venus: 21º 51' in Cancer
Mars: 01º 50' in Aries
Jupiter: 11º 09' in Aquarius
Saturn: 25º 19' in Gemini
Uranus: 18º 53' in Libra
Neptune: 05º 18' in Sagittarius
Pluto: 01º 40' in Libra
Conjunction: Mercury Venus 5º
Conjunction: Moon Mars 1º
Conjunction: Sun Saturn 6º
Opposition: Mars Pluto 0º
Opposition: Moon Pluto 1º
Semi-Sextile: Mercury Saturn 1º
Sextile: Mercury Pluto 4º
Sextile: Neptune Pluto 3º
Square: Moon Saturn 4º
Square: Sun Mars 0º
Square: Sun Moon 1º
Square: Sun Pluto 0º
Square: Venus Uranus 2º
Trine: Mars Neptune 3º
Trine: Mercury Mars 4º
Trine: Moon Mercury 2º
Trine: Moon Neptune 5º
Trine: Saturn Uranus 6º
The Sun in Cancer
The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position.
Traits: Emotional, Loving, Intuitive, Imaginative, Shrewd, Cautious, Protective and Sympathetic
Dark Traits: Changeable, Moody, Overemotional, Touchy, Clinging and Unable To Let Go
You were born during a period when the Sun was in Cancer. The Cancer's first love is its home and family. They love to nurture those around them. No sacrifice is too large to ensure their home is secure and their loved ones are safe and happy. They are very kind and sharing. Cancers are also very moody, and often retreat into themselves to regenerate, or sometimes sulk. The quickest way for them to rebound from such moments is to do what they do best: nurture others.
Cancers can be very iron-willed and like to have things their way. They are very sensitive to slights and hurt easily. When pained Cancers will retreat into themselves and brood. Although generally they do not like confrontation, Cancers are not above seeking revenge against those that hurt them. Cancers are compassionate and freely show their affection for others. They will set their problems aside to assist others in solving theirs. Being extremely intuitive, they often know what is upsetting someone without being told. They are great communicators and can often help those in trouble with just a few words.
Overall, Cancers are quite gregarious. They love to socialize with their friends and family. Their need to care for those in their circle makes them an asset to any family.
Sun Opposition or Square Moon
You feel your wants and desires are pulling you in different directions. For instance you may need to express your individuality to the maximum, but you desire a warm, loving relationship and the security of strong camaraderie. This dichotomy makes it difficult for those around you to tell what you want.
Sun Conjunct Saturn
You tend to move down your life path with caution. Because of this reaching your goals will require more staying power than others will need. Fortunately you are full or self-discipline. You may lack the confidence to realize all of your ambitions.
Moon In Aries
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.
You have the Arian trait of speaking bluntly and meaning exactly what you say. You conceal your weaknesses and personal needs from others very well. At times you can be quite emotional and even display a temper that borders on having a tantrum. The expectations you put on yourself and others may be a bit unrealistic. You prefer to take action, and have no tolerance for whiners.
Your Arian courage and love of challenges makes you a role model to others. Through your courage they find theirs. You are optimistic and believe all obstacles can be overcome. You admire others who display bravery and share your need for freedom and adventure. Indeed you are not likely to spend much time in the company of wimps. Taking role of leader should feel very comfortable to you, but you need to try not to be too domineering.
Moon Sextile or Trine Mercury
You seem to instinctively understand people and why individuals behave the way they do. Being nonjudgmental and empathetic makes it easy for those around you to "tell all." You love to share your knowledge and insight, but don't force your views on others.
Moon Conjunct Mars
You cannot handle idle moments. They drive you nuts. You must have something to do at all times. You are somewhat aggressive, which may cause trouble at home.
Moon Opposition or Square Saturn
You have moments of serious self-doubt. To you it sometimes seems who you are just isn't enough. Your inability to see your intrinsic value makes you hypersensitive to the criticisms of others. While you want to be a part of the human experience around you, fear or rejection makes it difficult for you make a place for yourself amongst a group of people. Instead you tend to retreat into yourself where it is lonely but safe.
Moon Sextile or Trine Neptune
Chaos and confusion upset you terribly. Where others might see opportunity in upheaval you see despair. You have a need to live in a peaceful setting insulated from the harsher elements of our world.
Moon Opposition or Square Pluto
Your romantic relationships are marked by such a large outpouring of emotion and passion that they may actually scare your partner. Love always has a sense of urgency for you. It is practically impossible for you to just let things happen and enjoy the ride.
Mercury In Cancer
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.
Often your decisions and opinions are based on your feelings and not the facts, which makes you somewhat dogmatic. Sometimes it is difficult for you to think rationally because your emotions have such a free rein.
You tend to over-romanticize the past. You long for a kinder, gentler time when everything was as it should be. Unfortunately that time never really existed. You tend to be so nostalgic that you often fail to see all that is good about the here and now.
You are not comfortable in a crowd and dread the thought of being the center of attention. While you do have opinions on everything you rarely express them for fear of being attacked. Your emotional self cannot take much rough handling. When you do express your views and find that others hold opinions different than yours, you are likely to retreat into yourself for fear of being verbally attacked.
Mercury Conjunct Venus
You have a love of the arts and innate sense of style. Your creativity makes you a natural to pursue a career in the arts. Unlike many with a talent for the arts you do well in social settings. Your charm and sense of humor make you attractive to a wide variety of people..
Mercury Sextile or Trine Pluto
You are enthralled by hidden truths. You love to "uncover" the truth. Your mind is strong enough to allow you to explore the inner-core of consciousness. You probably are attracted to the mysterious and occult.
Venus In Cancer
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.
There is nothing you won't do for your love partner. You physical expression of your love is both affectionate and passionate. You prefer sophisticated people who have a great depth of character and charm. You may also be attracted to more flamboyant types. Someone who always dresses well will impress you.
Venus Opposition or Square Uranus
About the only thing you do quicker than falling in love is falling out of love. Your affairs of the heart tend to begin with massive amounts of unrestrained passion, but this high state of energy ends quickly and boredom sets in. Also your need for personal freedom quickly makes any traditional relationship feel a bit oppressive.
Mars In Aries
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.
You are a person of action. You want to get things done and get them done now. You'e not one to wait for all the facts to come in before tackling a project or problem. You don't simply take on a task, you attack it.
When you have a goal to reach you don't wait to receive assistance from others. Because you are extremely self-sufficient and feel as though you should always be the leader, people who wait around for reinforcements or provide unsolicited advice infuriate you. When working with others you are not particularly cooperative or willing to compromise. To you your way is the only way.
Although you are not the easiest person to work with and your need to act sometimes actually slows you down, your bravado and raw determination will get things moving in the right direction. You do best with situations that do not require a long term investment of your energies. You need to see results quickly to keep your interest peaked by a project.
Mars Sextile or Trine Neptune
Although you are quite an idealist you do manage to apply your lofty ideas to the real world in a useful way. You will do best in the arts or some other occupation where you can beautify our world.
Mars Opposition or Square Pluto
Your strength of will is enormous and you are passionate about attaining your goals. You may become so focused on a goal that you lose perspective on life as a whole. You tend to be secretive about your true aspirations. Those working with you may not know exactly why they are doing what they are doing.
Jupiter In Aquarius
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.
You thrive on being on the cutting edge of things. You don't allow yourself to be anchored down by traditional thinking or behavior models. You have a genuine concern for the plight of humanity, and are perfectly suited for paving new roads down which the rest of us can find better lives.
Saturn In Gemini
You harbor self-doubts concerning your intelligence. Social spontaneity is likely to be very difficult for you.
Saturn Sextile or Trine Uranus
You have the ability to bring innovation to projects. You understand that new ideas need to have practical applications to justify there use, so you waste little time with the superfluous.
Neptune In Sagittarius
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.
You are member of a generation of dreamers and purveyors of the future. You and your contemporaries are very broad-minded and thrive on new forms of spirituality. Traditional religions are far too dogmatic to serve you well, so you are very likely to explore alternative routes to find your spiritual self.
Neptune Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of spiritual awareness prevailed. Collectively your generation has a desire to increase the depths of their spiritual self.
More About Cancer
Famous Cancers:
Bill Cosby, Henry VIII, Princess Diana, Mike Tyson, Julius Caesar, Nelson Mandela, Rembrandt, H. Ross Perot, Dan Aykroyd, Geraldo Rivera, Ringo, Buckminster Fuller, Alexander the Great, Estée Lauder, and Marshall McLuhan
Ideal Occupations:
Cancers are well-suited to be doctors, pharmacists, teachers, nutritionists, chefs, realtors -- any position in which they can feel truly useful.
Lucky Numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 48, 57
Cancers Are Usually Most Compatible With: Scorpio or Pisces
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Star Stone: Pearl
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Secret Agent Man
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mooses on the Looses
Balance This
Here are two routines - by Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin - from earlier competitions. They're the same routines they performed in Beijing. When you're finished watching, pick your jaw up off the floor. To give you an idea of just how far gymnastics has come, and how much the difficulty has increased, check out the video of Nadia Comaneci's gold medal winning beam performance from 1976 below. Something tells me these girls were doing that routine when they were ten or eleven years old.
Nastia Liukin on Balance Beam
Shawn Johnson on Balance Beam
Or you can watch the video in high quality on youtube: and click the"watch in high quality" link in the Rating block, below "Views".
Nadia's 1976 Gold Medal Beam Routine
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Brady, Moss and an Ice Cold Bruschi
Peyton who?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Expecto Patronum
Reveal Your Ridden Harry-Pottery Patronus today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Weekend Fun






Friday, July 11, 2008
This is a fun little language tool... find out what your Japanese name is!
My authentic japanese name is 飯野 Iino (rice plains) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Messy Situation
Monday, July 7, 2008
Ticks Suck.
I Am the World
You are the World
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The Long and Winding Road







Just For Fun

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Cake is for Wussies
Friday, June 27, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Eleven Weeks and Counting

Friday, June 20, 2008
Catching Up











